People Development
Half-day Workshops
These immersive, interactive 4-hour workshops are an opportunity for participants to do a deep dive into equity and inclusion. From principles of inclusion, to specific inequities, these explorative workshops give participants a more robust understanding of how inequities surface in our day-to-day lives. Our participant-led approach will take attendees through learning exercises that encourage them to question their organizational contexts and relationships to better understand the lived realities, causes, and implications of systemic inequities.

Info And Investment
Half-day Workshop
Curriculum Options
Anti-Racism Deep Dive
Gender Norms Deep Dive
Courage In Solidarity: Calling-in For Inclusion
This thought-provoking workshop is for ambitious inclusion thinkers. It is an experiential dive into racism – what it is, how it manifests, where it comes from and what drives it.
- Exploring the ‘Race’ as a social construct and tracking what this has looked like historically.
- Highlighting ways in which racist harm can manifest in both the macro and micro spheres, today, in our everyday lives.
- Unpacking structures of racism to understand how racism is maintained by design and exploring how these might be different across the world.
- Visibilising how the tools of racism work and the overall impact of the erasure and dehumanisation of those experiencing it.
- Deploying the lens and understanding of anti-racism to work through workplace scenarios to visiblise racism in our everyday life.
This comprehensive workshop is a deep exploration of Gender norms: where they come from, how they are maintained, and who they benefit. Participants are invited to explore real-world examples and how these Gender norms impact all of us.
- Exploring the concept of Gender, its manifestation over time, and how it is policed over time. Including how Gender is reproduced across society and societal hierarchies.
- Unpacking the fear in disrupting the status quo and identifying what it will require of people, and consequently if not done, what it continues to create.
- Creating a stronger foundational understanding of Gender norms to be able to better see when and how all Men, Women and Non-binary folk are limited by these.
- Action: Deploying the breaking out the box framework to work through workplace scenarios.
e-Learning is required as a prerequisite for this workshop.
This applications-heavy workshop builds upon the foundations established with e-Learning to provide a deeper understanding of solidarity and build the capacity to move past fragility and shame toward solidarity, accountability, and inclusion.
- Tools to move past fragility and shame toward accountability and solidarity.
A structure to identify when to call in and a guide on how to call others in or show up to being called in.
  ○ Roleplay opportunities to practise this framework - An exploration of solidarity and when it breaks down, with a focus on causes: transaction, scarcity and prioritisation.
- Action: Participants will be encouraged to practically employ the concepts they’ve learned to reflect on their journey after the workshop.
Two-hour Workshops
Each of these immersive, interactive virtual workshops is an opportunity for participants to raise their baseline awareness and understanding of equity and inclusion issues and concepts in a bite-size, highly accessible way.
These are great workshops to engage with new concepts and provoke new thinking about what participants “don’t know that they don’t know”.
They offer an introduction to a new lens, concept, or framework to better understand, analyze and live inclusion in its deepest and most ambitious sense.

Info And Investment
Two-hour Workshop
Curriculum Options
Anti-Racism 101
Gender Norms 101
Classism 101
Disablism 101
Solidarity 101
This thought-provoking workshop is for ambitious inclusion thinkers. It is an experiential dive into racism – what it is, how it manifests, where it comes from and what drives it.
- Highlighting ways in which racist harm can manifest as a possible “spectrum” and the impact of being on the receiving end of microaggressions.
- Visibilising how microaggressions work to uphold racism as a system of oppression and the overall impact of the erasure and dehumanisation of those experiencing it.
- Action: Deploying the lens and understanding of anti-racism to work through workplace scenarios to visiblise racism in our everyday life.
This experiential workshop invites participants to explore the ways in which Gender norms are constructed, policed and reinforced in our personal and professional lives and the impact of this on all of us.
- Highlighting ways in which Gender roles are reinforced and patrolled and ways to challenge this.
- Creating a stronger foundational understanding of Gender norms to be able to better see when and how all Men, Women and Non-binary folk are limited by these.
- Action: Deploying the breaking out the box framework to work through workplace scenarios.
This engaging workshop explores the concept of allyship in LGBTQIA+ communities across geographies to visiblise how actions termed as allyship, even when well intentioned, may reinforce heterosexism. We invite participants to create real, material changes for the LGBTQIA+ community in their personal and professional lives.
- Visiblising the part societal norms play in the success of actions for allyship for the LGBTQIA+ community.
- Exploring common inhibitors to progress towards material change for the LGBTQIA+ community and how to overcome them.
- Creating a shared understanding of what allyship for the LGBTQIA+ community looks like in order to create material changes to strive towards equity.
- Action: Applying learning from the workshop to workplace scenarios.
This workshop explores how class concepts are constructed, maintained, and perpetuated with a focus on how classism shows up in our day-to-day workstreams.
- Determining a shared understanding of class by introducing the work of Bourdieu.
- Understanding how the dynamics of class are used to further entrench class divides at a structural level and how this plays out in our day-to-day lives.
- Visiblising how class classism is perpetuated in participant’s daily lives and begin to explore how to disrupt it.
- Action: Applying learning to specific workstreams to equip participants to begin to disrupt classism.
This workshop explores how understandings of Disability are socially constructed, maintained, and perpetuated with a focus on how disablism shows up in our day-to-day workstreams.
- Determining a shared understanding of disablism and Disability by reviewing the Medical and Social Models of Disability
- Understanding and visibilising how disablism is multifaceted and pervades throughout many aspects of our day to day lives, with an emphasis on workplace culture and expectations.
- Participants will learn actionable tools for inclusion and accessibility that address the spectrum of Disability.
- Action: Applying learning to specific workstreams to equip participants to begin to disrupt disablism.
This action-orientated workshop explores meaningful solidarity and invites participants to explore what it takes to do it. Using tools for inclusion, participants will gain insight into how to show solidarity each day.
- Exploring the parameters of solidarity as well as what it does, and does not, look like.
- Determining a shared toolbox for solidarity using knowledge built throughout the workshop.
- Understanding where well-intentioned allyship may fall short and applying our framework to ensure participants demonstrate solidarity.
- Action: Applying our framework to workplace scenarios.