Introductory Workshops

Introductory Workshops

Introductory workshops raise baseline literacy of inclusion and equity to equip participants with a foundation that can be built upon throughout the learning. In these interactive sessions, participants engage with new concepts and approaches to begin thinking about how to embed equity and inclusion into their lives and working environments.

Following the conceptual exploration, the workshops include an applicative element to allow participants to more practically apply their new language and understanding to their working realities. It is important to keep in mind that introductory workshops are precisely that – introductory – and they will not likely be sufficient for transformative change on their own.  

Inclusion 101 (2 hours)

This workshop brings together a dynamic exploration of privilege, what it means, and how it manifests, to better understand and visibilise its consequences. Participants are guided through the ways that privilege often leads to siloed thinking about inequity to highlight the dangers of this approach. Following this introduction, participants are presented with a different lens to engage with inequities and the ways they interconnect and overlap to create compounded and unique experiences. This crucial framework equips participants with 2-3 specific micro-actions they can use and engage in immediately following the workshop to challenge inequity and work toward inclusion.